When you have a business, many people are trying to sell you gimmicks. They are telling you that you need this product and this service is going to send your sales sky-rocketing. It is easy to fall for the sales patter and believe you are buying the next best thing to take your business to the top.
If you have some across SEO audit services and everybody raving about them, you might wonder if they are a gimmick too. Are they just another stunt and scheme to get your money? Are they the real deal that will benefit your company? All will be revealed in this guide.
Are SEO Audit Services a Gimmick?
Most website owners will reach a brick wall when it comes to SEO at some point or another. Perhaps you have been using the same strategy for years and now you are not seeing any results. Maybe your traffic has been freefalling for a while and you are not sure how SEO can change to prevent this. Either way, it can be difficult to see what you can do differently. You need experts to come in and offer you advice, taking a look at your website and coming up with solutions.
This is where SEO audit services come in. We can confirm that they are not a gimmick. Instead, they are a very useful service you can use to find out the health of your website and where you are with optimisation. Indeed, an audit is carried out on your site to see how your SEO strategy has been doing. The team will then make recommendations of what can be done differently using their industry knowledge.
For example, to learn more about SEO audit services, consider ClickSlice. They are one of the leading SEO agencies in London and they offer their expert service to analyse your website. Could your website benefit from our SEO audit service? Well, if you are having trouble with your Google ranking or traffic recently, this is a way to find out. The errors ad mistakes you are making can be brought to your attention. You get an objective view on what is happening. In addition, you can figure out what you can improve. This definitely does not sound like a gimmick to us.
What are the Main Benefits of Using SEO Audit Services?
Are you still interested in learning about why you should use SEO audit services over other options? Well, there are a range of benefits that you can enjoy. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.
Uncover Duplicate Content
Most website owners do not mean to have duplicate content featured online. But, it is something that is common and it happens under the radar. For SEO, this is not something you want to happen. It can have a negative effect, plus you are missing out on a good opportunity to improve your ranking.
Thankfully, SEO audit services can uncover duplicate content. They will be fully investigating your website and finding issues like this. Indeed, they will highlight this issue to you and make suggestions for what you can do next. In particular, they can create unique content.
Analyse Keywords
Do you know if the keywords you are targeting are really helping your website? Sometimes, they can be having no impact on your business, and you end up wasting your time with the efforts you are making.
Well, know that you can find out what is going on with SEO audit services. Something they can do is investigate the keywords you use. This includes seeing what ranking you hold with them and if there are better ones you should be targeting.
Find 404 Errors
Something that websites have without realising is 404 errors. This can happen when pages are moved and deleted. It means that you can click on a link and this 404 error will appear. It is a factor that can bring down the user experience and be frustrating. Plus, it is an optimisation opportunity you are missing out on.
The good news about SEO audit services is that they are going to catch these 404 errors. They have tools to find them and they can suggest what you can do to improve this situation. Indeed, once you have this information at your fingertips, you can work on improving your site for the user and Google.
Check Site Speed
Do you know if your website is slow or fast at loading? Most site owners hope for the later and they take it for granted that this is the case. But, in reality it, it might be very different. You can find that your website is slow to load, which is frustrating for users. Plus, it is something that Google does not rate highly.
Experts in SEO will be able to check your site speed for you. They can analyse what you need to do better in order to improve this speed. This way, you can have happy customers and ensure Google likes your site.
Looking at Link Quality
Every website wants to have a great backlink profile. In reality, this might not be what you have. You want to ensure you have quality links so that you can benefit from this in Google rankings. But, many website owners do not know how you can do this.
Another element that the team will look into is the link quality. They can see what is happening with the links and whether they are good enough. In the case of recommendations, the team can often create backlinks for you if you require help.