Apex Legends: Free to play
Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale game published by EA and developed by Respawn Entertainment. It was first introduced in February 2019 and quickly became a hit title in the Battle Royale Genre winning the hearts of millions of players around the world.
It is based on a similar timeline as Titanfall but different from the mainline series. Apex Legends features a unique cast of “Legends”, that are with their unique personalities, stories, and abilities increasing the level of strategy and depth while battling against others in the game.
Apex Legends has a simple concept of gliding down into the map and start looking for weapons, armor, and other items that include weapon attachments, grenades, etc.
One of the defining features that are unique to Apex Legends is the reliance on doing teamplay and cooperation with fellow legends that are dropping with you to dominate the arena. That includes relying on the teammate’s abilities and skills that are unique to every legend in the game.
Furthermore, Apex Legends introduces unique elements such as respawning allies, which allows teammates to revive fallen allies by getting their “banner” and respawning them back into the fight. However, after respawning back into the game, players can either choose to prioritize themselves by looting all over again or to play with the team to increase the chance of survival and scavenge whatever they can find along the way.
In addition to its core battle royale mode, Apex Legends also consists of different limited-time events, different game modes, and seasonal updates that introduce the release of new skins and changes to the gameplay. If you are interested in purchasing exclusive old skins that were available in Apex Legends, you can have a visit to our U7BUY site here. The site guarantees the purchase of cheap Apex account. These updates mostly introduce new Legends, weapons, and new cosmetics making sure that the game remains active for the newbies and OG’s Alike.
Apex Legends is available and free to play on EA Play and Steam.
Cheap Apex Coins
In Apex Legends, there is a wide variety of cosmetics that are sometimes free and unlocked by loot boxes. However, Apex Legends introduces a battle pass system that has some juicy cosmetics locked behind the premium pass. The premium pass can be unlocked by spending 1000 Apex Coins.
There are some other cosmetics with bundles that are a bit more expensive than the battlepass itself but its uniqueness makes it worthwhile to purchase. https://www.u7buy.com/apex-legends/apex-legends-coins U7BUY provides the best and most reasonable prices to purchase cheap Apex Coins for all platforms.
Cheap Apex Accounts
U7BUY also endorses of buying cheap Apex Legends accounts with cosmetics and legends unlocked of your choosing. It simplifies newbies grinding the game to reach a certain rank or trying out certain legends that are usually locked when starting new. You can also find cheap Apex Legends accounts here.