You can easily transform your home with wall and floor tiles. Yes, it may take a bit of time to find the exact tile fit, and then, of course, there’s the time to install it; however, all things considered, it’s one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to makeover your home. Today, you will learn how to make this possible with wall and floor tile options – from olive green tile to subway tile, the sky is the limit!
Define Your Style Before Selecting A Tile
There’s one rule in the tile world: To have fun.
When it comes to finding the stylish fit for your home, get ready to unleash your inner design guru and personalize your space with the perfect tile Netizens report.
Minimalists, go sleek with big, neutral tiles and subtle textures. Embrace terracotta, mosaic, or wood tile that looks like the real thing for a rustic touch. For those who love a bohemian aesthetic, your interior may love some colorful encaustic tiles, intricate pattern tiles, or hand-painted ceramic tiles. Layer textures, mix shapes, and let your personality shine.
There’s really a tile for every design style, so remember, you get to paint the story of your unique style on your walls and floors.
How To Choose The Right Stylish Wall or Floor Tiles For Your Home?
Once you know your style, it’s time to get space-centric and decide on the tile for each application type – walls and floors.
Choosing Wall Tile
To start, let’s go over wall tiles in your home first. When choosing the right wall tile to create a stylish impact in your home, you should be sure to consult appearances and know the technical aspects involved.
You should match your needs to the tile’s characteristics to do that. For instance, if you’re looking to add a wall tile to a bathroom backsplash, go for a water-resistant and easy-to-clean material like glass tile. These withstand moisture extremely well.
On the other hand, if you’re making an accent wall in your living room, you have a little more flexibility. You can use upscale brass inlay tiles or geometric porcelain tiles since this is a dryer area, and you’re not likely to be caught up in daily cleaning.
Outside of that, be sure you consider size. Large tiles can give your walls a seamless look with fewer grout lines, whereas, mosaic tiles will have pretty patterns but more grout lines. Acknowledge your wall space and choose according to aesthetic match.
Choosing Floor Tile
When you’re choosing floor tile, you should be equally, if not more, cautious about the technical details of the material you’re choosing. Placement is everything since the right tile can mean the difference between traction and slips.
First and foremost, see if your area will be watery. Are you laying down floor tiles in a mudroom, entryway, or bathroom? If yes, you should seek out some water-resistant, highly durable, and slip-resistant tiles.
A great option here would be stylish textured porcelain tiles. They are known for their higher PEI ratings, which are resistant to wear and tear. However, if you’re looking for floor tiles in the living room or bedroom, you have a little more playing room. You can decide on a marvelous marble floor tile that has elegance and class since there’s likely less foot traffic and elements involved.
Get Ready for Transformation with Wall and Floor Tiles Today!
Now that you have some guidance on how to choose stylish wall and floor tiles, you can start your hunt. Whether you settle on something upscale and modern or more classic, like a navy blue subway tile, be sure to keep this knowledge in mind. When in doubt, consult an expert for personalized advice.